California Lemon Law News + Info

Can I file a Lemon Law claim if I’ve already taken legal action against the manufacturer for the same issue?

Getting a vehicle that turns out to be defective is already frustrating enough. However, if this happens to you after you’ve already filed a lemon law claim for a different vehicle (and possibly from the same manufacturer!), that can only be a terrible experience for a consumer.

If this has happened to you, you might have asked if you can file a lemon law claim against the auto manufacturer again. The answer is: yes. If your situation with your current vehicle fits the criteria described in the California Lemon Law, you may be eligible to recover restitution for your lemon.

The crux of the claim will be whether your vehicle problems substantially impair your vehicle’s use, value or safety, and whether the auto manufacturer has fixed the vehicle within a reasonable number of repair attempts.

Preparing for a potential lemon law claim will entail gathering proof of your vehicle ownership or lease, getting repair invoices or work orders, documenting the vehicle defect and keeping track of communications with your auto manufacturer or dealership.

Finally, you will get an initial consultation with a lemon law attorney for your vehicle problem. If you pursued a lemon law claim before, you likely got a specific settlement or form of restitution for your previous claim. Understand that outcomes for a lemon law claim vary widely and depend on the facts of your case.

Consult a Lemon Law Attorney

If you’ve had the frustrating experience of going through a lemon law claim, only to get saddled with another lemon, let our lemon law team take the most difficult parts of the process off your hands.

It all starts with an initial consultation. Call our lemon law team at 877-217-7676. You can tell us about your experience with your defective vehicle, and we can answer any questions you may have about a potential lemon law claim.

Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group is an automotive lemon law firm that exclusively practices in California. If you are a California resident who purchased or leased a defective vehicle from a licensed dealership in California, we may be able to help you get rid of your potential lemon and recover significant cash compensation. Model year restrictions apply: 2017–Present vehicle models only.

However, we cannot help those who reside outside of California or purchased their vehicle outside of California unless they are active duty members of the Armed Forces, nor will we be able to refer those to a lemon law firm in their states.

To learn more about the California Lemon Law and your legal rights, visit our guide on the California Lemon Law for more information.

Think You Have a Lemon?

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