California Lemon Law News + Info

Ford Powershift Settlement Payouts Do Not Cover All Focus, Fiesta Drivers

Ford settled a class action lawsuit for drivers of 2012–2016 Focus and 2011–2016 Fiesta cars with defective Powershift transmissions.

However, many drivers not included in the settlement or related recalls are still stuck with faulty, unsafe cars.

Danielle Mayfield is one such person. Her son’s 2016 Ford Focus is equipped with the faulty Powershift transmission named in the class action suit.

A year and a half after the vehicle was purchased, the Ford Focus started to show similar defects.

“It only maybe will go about four miles an hour,” Mayfield told

“It will not shift out of first gear, will not go into reverse. Sometimes it will not go at all.”

Mayfield contacted Ford about a recall issued for Ford Focus vehicles equipped with Powershift transmissions but was told that, since her vehicle was manufactured four months out of the recall window, she did not qualify for recall-related repairs.

This left Mayfield stuck with a quote of $2,100 for a transmission replacement, plus a car payment for a vehicle that they no longer can drive. Mayfield also had to pay for car towing and diagnostic tests out of pocket, after which Ford would make a determination.

Ford ultimately denied to offer recall-related repairs or a vehicle buyback. In any case, Mayfield said she does not trust Ford to repair the vehicle properly.

“I’m afraid down the line I’m just going to have another issue with it,” Mayfield told


Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group is an automotive lemon law firm that exclusively practices in California, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Orange County. If you are a California resident who purchased or leased a defective vehicle from a licensed dealership in California, we may be able to help you get rid of your potential lemon and recover significant cash compensation. Model year restrictions apply: 2020–Present vehicle models only.

However, we cannot help those who reside outside of California or purchased their vehicle outside of California unless they are active duty members of the Armed Forces, nor will we be able to refer those to a lemon law firm in their states.

To learn more about the California Lemon Law and your legal rights, visit our guide on the California Lemon Law for more information.

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