broken down car with the hood open
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Find Out For Free
If Your Car Is A Lemon

Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group wins more cases, and with better results, than any other California Lemon Law Attorney.

Get the largest cash compensation for your lemon car.

Does the California Lemon Law Protect Me?

Our California Lemon Law attorneys protect California residents who purchase new vehicles from a licensed dealership in California. Additionally, a manufacturer’s warranty must have been purchased with the vehicle.

Members of the Armed Forces

Members of the Armed Forces have protection through the California Lemon Law if they are stationed in California at the time of the vehicle purchase or at the time they file a California Lemon Law claim.

Get Started Today
A woman in a tailored sundress uses an orange-cased smartphone while looking over the exposed hood of her car.

How Do I Know if My Car is a Lemon?

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    The car experiences recurring problems that

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    Affect the car's use, safety or value

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    Are not the result of abuse or poor maintenance

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    Are not resolved within a reasonable number of repair attempts

Get A Free Case Review

Industry-Leading Settlements for Vehicle Owners

When large businesses and corporations fail in their obligations to consumers, we aim to hold them accountable and help consumers get the recovery they deserve. As a result, our firm consistently obtains industry-leading settlements and record verdicts for vehicle owners and lessees across California.

$1.4 million

$8.1 million

$2.8 million



We believe that California consumers like you deserve the best legal representation possible. Our lemon law attorneys hold automakers accountable when they fail their basic obligation to not sell defective and unsafe products. Our record verdicts and successful client outcomes are the result of an all-star team working with cutting-edge resources and top experts in the field. Contact us if you are looking for a lemon law attorney that you can count on.

Call Us 877-217-7676
The exposed metal part of the wheel and a brake are being handled by a mechanic.

Think You Have a Lemon?

Tell us about Yourself
Tell us about your vehicle

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted via phone, text or email regarding your claim.