California Lemon Law News + Info

Common Nissan Murano Brake Problems

Nissan’s Forward Emergency Braking and Automatic Emergency Braking systems have become well known for their malfunctions.

A black van speeds on a road surrounded by snow. Many Nissan Murano vehicles are equipped with Forward Emergency Braking and Automatic Emergency Braking systems that have become well known for their malfunctions. The Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) is supposed to detect obstacles in front of the vehicle and warn drivers of a potential collision. If the driver does not respond soon enough, the AEB system is supposed to trigger the brakes. This way, the AEB system should prevent a collision, or at least lessen its impact.

However, Nissan Muranos and other Nissan models have had recurring problems with their AEB systems. Multiple class action lawsuits have been filed against Nissan for its faulty AEB systems, and multiple owners of Nissan Murano SUVs have submitted complaints to federal regulators.

To highlight common Nissan Murano braking issues, we have compiled some complaints submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Please note that the complaints on Nissan Murano FCW and AEB systems have been edited for grammar and clarity.

2017 Nissan Murano

The front radar obstruction warning comes on and cruise will turn off, and the vehicle will start quickly slowing down. This happens in both city and highway driving. After about 5 to 10 minutes, the warning light goes off and I can reset the cruise. I believe this is a safety issue and brought it to the attention of the dealer, but they said there was nothing they can do unless there is a recall.

2017 Nissan Murano

At random times while driving, the forward collision warning system and cruise control will stop working. On average, it happens about every 20 to 25 miles and remains off for 2 to 3 minutes.

It was very difficult to get Nissan to replace the sensor while the car was under warranty. They did not want to and finally, when they agreed, they said the part was on back order due to high demand, so I’m not the only customer who has complained about this. The sensor still does not work properly and having the forward collision warning/automatic braking not reliable is a safety issue. Having the cruise control not work is just an annoyance.

At Nissan’s suggestions, I’ve cleaned the sensor many times and I’ve ensured that nothing is blocking the sensor. It is simply a faulty, unreliable part and I believe there should be a national recall. This has been happening for over 2 years now. It took many months of complaining and sending them pictures of it not working before they replaced the sensor the first time. That fixed the issue for a few months but now the second sensor on the car has been malfunctioning for over a year. I’m attaching a couple of pictures for example. This issue has happened over a 100 times to me though.

2017 Nissan Murano

[Advance Driver Assistance System] ADAS is completely unresponsive. The vehicle brakes unexpectedly without cause or warning. The problem is most common when crossing railroad tracks. This presents an extreme safety hazard to myself and my family. The system has no function and I am unable to utilize the most basic features, to include cruise control. The ADAS system lights are continuously illuminated on my dash, even after attempts to reset the system.

2019 Nissan Murano

When I leave the parking structure at my office, my front emergency brake gets triggered. Today was the third time this happened. From my research, there are several class action lawsuits.

The first time it happened it, the brake pedal automatically released from under my foot, slammed on the brake and came to a screeching stop. I was not going down, but on a level wrapping around. I was driving less than 10 mph in the structure. Thankfully, no one was around me. If someone was behind, they would have definitely hit me.

The second time was a few weeks ago. Again, same parking structure, but going down. No one was around. The car beeped a few times, saying it triggered the “driving aids”, and the car quickly braked automatically and screeched, but not like the first time.

The third time was today. It didn’t even beep. Again, same parking structure going down. It screeched and jerked the brake, but not as forcefully as the first time. Each time, I have pulled over and shut off this “feature.” However, the feature is set to be automatically “on” and have to manually shut it off at each time the car is restarted.

2019 Nissan Murano

On multiple times, in clear weather with no cars in front of me, driving at 40 mph the AEB warning light comes on. I have taken it to the dealer multiple times for diagnosis and repair with no resolution. The first time, the dealer recalibrated the system, and on the second time in for repair, the dealer said no codes were input into the onboard computer, so nothing could be done despite my cell phone video showing the incidents occurring.

2020 Nissan Murano

I was driving 25 mph when the car automatic stopped and applied the automatic emergency brake (AEB) was applied with no obstacles around on a clear sunny day. I purchased the car new with only 3 miles on it. The car came to a complete stop. I am afraid for my safety. I took the car in to dealer and was told that nothing is wrong with the car. Within 1 week, it happened again and I was told by the dealer that there’s nothing wrong with the car.

2020 Nissan Murano

I have a 2020 Nissan Murano that had three occurrences in a 48-hour period where the automatic emergency braking system caused my car to stop immediately with no warning or obstruction in the road. The 1st incident occurred when I was traveling approximately 30 miles per hour on a city street. My car went from 30 to 0 [mph] with no warning. The motor didn’t stall out, the car was still idling, but the car just stopped on the road. I was not braking at the time. I’m thankful no vehicle was traveling behind me at the time. The next two occurrences happened while backing out of my driveway. Again, there was nothing in the way to obstruct the vehicle from backing out. No maintenance lights or warning lights showed up. When I took my vehicle to the dealership, they found nothing wrong. The computer didn’t show anything was in need of repair. I told them there was no maintenance or warning light that showed on any of the 3 occurrences.

2021 Nissan Murano

As I was driving up a parking garage ramp, about 1/2 way up the ramp, the vehicle slammed on the brakes, like a front end collision was imminent. There were no cars in front of me, and I wasn’t close to any required turns in the parking garage. If someone was driving too close, they would have rear-ended my vehicle. The vehicle simply had no reason to stop on its own.

If you have recurring problems with your Nissan Murano’s Forward or Automatic Emergency Braking system, your vehicle may be a lemon. However, Nissan Muranos are not the only Nissan vehicle model experiencing these recurring problems. Read more about common Nissan AEB system problems and your California lemon law rights. If you would like more information, complete the form below to request a free consultation.

Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group is an automotive lemon law firm that exclusively practices in California. If you are a California resident who purchased or leased a defective vehicle from a licensed dealership in California, we may be able to help you get rid of your potential lemon and recover significant cash compensation. Model year restrictions apply: 2017–Present vehicle models only.

However, we cannot help those who reside outside of California or purchased their vehicle outside of California unless they are active duty members of the Armed Forces, nor will we be able to refer those to a lemon law firm in their states.

To learn more about the California Lemon Law and your legal rights, visit our guide on the California Lemon Law for more information.

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